Monday 26 September 2016

Home » Tech » World’s largest alien-hunting telescope now operational
World’s largest alien-hunting telescope now operational

World’s largest alien-hunting telescope now operational

After years in development, construction workers slotted into place the final piece of the 500-meter aperture spherical telescope (aka FAST) back in July.
And following months of testing, FAST (the world’s largest alien-hunting telescope) became fully operational on September 25.
The giant telescope will aid in China’s quest to achieve “major advances and breakthroughs at the frontier of science,” China’s President Xi Jinping said in a congratulatory message on Sunday.
Calling the telescope the nation’s “eye in the sky,” Xi and other Chinese officials certainly have high hopes for the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope.
It’s a symbolic achievement for China, which is aiming to prove not only its economic well-being, but its scientific prowess as well. “Astronomy is an ultimate expression of ‘pure’ science that has little immediate practical benefits,” Luis C. Ho, the director of the Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University, told the New York Times via email. “It is a luxury that only the most advanced economies enjoy.” And now, it’s a luxury that exists in the backyard of one of China’s most impoverished areas.
Home » Tech » Moon formed from melted bits of earth, researchers say
Moon formed from melted bits

Moon formed from melted bits of earth, researchers say

This is how the planet earth came to be, according to a group of scientists who are researching the formation of the moon; which they say took place around 4.5 billion years ago.
when the solar system was still in its infancy, a Mars-sized planet collided with the proto-Earth and blasted our baby planet to smithereens.
Earth’s rocks did not just melt; they vaporized, the very elements in those rocks turning into gas the way boiling water turns into steam.
Eventually, the remains of the original Earth cooled and settled down, condensing to once again form a solid planet. The leftovers formed the moon.
That’s the latest twist in the decades-old story about how Earth’s moon came to be, and it’s based on new measurements of elements in both worlds.
The moon, our first friend, is more than a familiar fixture in the night sky; it dictates the slosh of tides, stabilizes Earth’s rotation, and might contribute to earthquakes.
It is also the best place we have, other than Earth, for studying the formation of rocky worlds.
Scientists are still unsure how it formed, in part because it’s hard to reconcile the moon’s chemical composition with the original stories our computers tell.
Home » Business » NSE LIVE! Equities sustain modest rally as investors scramble for oil stocks
NSE LIVE! Equities sustain modest rally as investors scramble for oil stocks

NSE LIVE! Equities sustain modest rally as investors scramble for oil stocks

Nigerian equities sustained a modest rally on Wednesday as improved investors’ appetite for oil and gas stocks spurred the market to a second consecutive positive session.
Key indicators at the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) showed that the stock market recorded average gain of 0.02 per cent on Wednesday, equivalent to a capital gain of N2 billion.
Aggregate market value of all quoted equities on the NSE rose from N9.690 trillion to close at N9.692 trillion, representing a modest gain of N2 billion.
The All Share Index (ASI), the major value-based index that tracks prices at the Exchange, improved marginally by 0.02 per cent from 28,209.93 points to close at 28,214.57 points. With this, the negative average year to date return improved to -1.49 per cent.
Price analysis showed widespread positive sentiments with nearly two gainers for every loser. However, the market position was also boosted by gains by leading oil and gas stocks. Conoil Plc, which recently released two impressive earnings reports, led the 22-stock gainers’ list with a gain of N3.91 to close at N42.60.
MRS Oil followed with a gain of N1.42 to close at N39.90. Total Nigeria placed third with a gain of N1 to close at N270. PZ Cussons Nigeria rose by 90 kobo to close at N18.97. Cadbury Nigeria rose by 55 kobo to close at N14.75. Stanbic IBTC Holdings added 45 kobo to close at N16.50. Zenith Bank gathered 40 kobo to close at N15. Oando chalked up 26 kobo to close at N5.60 per share while Cutix added 7.0 kobo to close at N1.85 per share.
On the negative side, Guinness Nigeria, which on Tuesday reported its first loss in 30 years of N2 billion, led the13-stock losers’ list with a loss of N7 to close at N93. Nigerian Breweries dropped by N1.31 to close at N142.04. Julius Berger Nigeria lost 44 kobo to close at N39. E-Tranzact declined by 30 kobo to close at N5.70. Guaranty Trust Bank lost 23 kobo to close at N26.77 per share.
Lafarge Africa declined by 14 kobo to close at N56.01 while Neimeth International Pharmaceutical dropped by 10 kobo to 98 kobo per share.
Total turnover stood at 3.09 billion shares valued at N6.24 billion in 2,815 deals. The high market turnover was due to a cross deal on Great Nigeria Insurance for 2.87 billion shares valued at N3.24 billion.
Zenith Bank staged a distant second position with a turnover of 51.23 million shares valued at N752.7 million. United Bank for Africa recorded turnover of 23.56 million shares worth N101.31 million while Guaranty Trust Bank followed with 21.45 million shares valued at N577.21 million.
Home » Business » Crude prices rebound as OPEC meets
Crude prices rebound as OPEC meets

Crude prices rebound as OPEC meets

Oil prices rebound over the week at the International market as hope was rekindled that the planned meeting of the major crude producers will help control the long running supply glut that has substantially hurt prices.
OPEC members and Russia are billed to begin a three day meeting in Algeria from Monday to discuss ways of ending the over supply that has driven prices to its lowest point in 13 years.
Traders, who had been uncertain over the possibility of the meeting reaching any deal on maintaining current output levels or cutting production, became more optimistic after reports of a meeting between Saudi Arabia, Iran and Qatar at OPEC headquarters in Vienna.
Speaking on the planned meeting, Fawad Razaqzada, a Market analyst at said: “A deal to freeze production should give oil prices a significant boost while if there is no deal then expect to see a big drop, at least in the short-term,” said Fawad Razaqzada, market analyst at
Around 1615 GMT, US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for delivery in November was down $1.43 at $44.93 a barrel compared with Thursday’s close.
Brent North Sea crude for November delivery shed $1.25 to $46.40 a barrel.
Both contracts rose over the week however after booking strong gains in the previous two sessions. WTI surged 6.6 per cent and Brent gained 3.9 per cent — on data showing US commercial inventories fell more than six million barrels last week, indicating stronger demand in the world’s top oil consuming country.
Home » Business » BUDGET DEFICIT: AfDB to rescue FG with $1b
BUDGET DEFICIT: AfDB to rescue FG with $1b

BUDGET DEFICIT: AfDB to rescue FG with $1b

The African Development Bank, AfDB, has said it would advance $1 billion facility to the Federal Government as budget support to fund the 2016 federal budget.
The President of the bank, Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, stated this in Abuja on Monday when he led a delegation of the bank to visit President Muhammadu Buhari at the State House.
Aside the $1 billion budget support, the AfDB President, who is Nigeria’s immediate past Minister of Agriculture, said the bank has also earmarked $300 million to create jobs for 185,000 youths, $250 million towards North East infrastructure development, $1 million grant to deal with challenges of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), $300 million for infrastructure development around Abuja, $200 million for Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) to deepen facilities, among others.
Adesina, who appreciated President Buhari for supporting his candidacy for the presidency of the AfDB, also commended him for successes recorded in securing the country, particularly in the North East, adding that “there can be no development without adequate security.”
The former Nigerian minister, who said recent economic decisions taken in the country were “bold, tough, uncomfortable, but right,” insisted that Nigeria would reap the dividends in the short and long run.
“You can count on the AfDB as a true friend of Nigeria. You should support massive investment in infrastructure, and we are here to also support. Closing the infrastructure deficit will enable growth, and create employment. Nigeria is too big to fail,” Adesina said.
Adesina who said he delighted with President Buhari’s push against corruption, also announced that the AfDB was extending the sum of $4.8 million as institutional grant, with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, getting $2 million and the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission, ICPC, getting $1 million.
“You can always count on my support, and that of the ADB,” he concluded.
Home » Jungle's blog » 5 things to know before using a swimming pool in Nigeria
swimming pool

5 things to know before using a swimming pool in Nigeria

Swimming pools offer a great way to chill out and have fun, especially during hot or lazy days. A basic feature of most hotels in Nigeria, visitors and lodgers are always keen to use the amenity. But most of these hotels do not clearly state the guidelines on how the swimming pool should be used and most of the visitors are clueless as to how to behave before and while using the pool. Here are five things every prospective swimming pool user in Nigeria should know before diving into any pool.
1) Only get in the pool if you can swim
A lot of people may not be able to swim but would just want an opportunity to wear their swimsuit and dabble in the water. While this can be fun, it is very risky and should be avoided, especially if you are alone. Not every hotel or club offer swimming pool accessories for beginning swimmers and not all have life guards on standby. If you cannot swim, just avoid the pool.
2) Be careful with your mobile device
It is no secret that water is no friend to the mobile device and most times when people go to the pool area, they leave their phones at the edge of the pool or on whatever chair they may have placed their towel. It is advisable you leave your phone safely locked in a safe in your hotel room before coming down to swim. If you are however too attached to your phone, you can bring it with you but you endeavor to put it in a plastic bag if you plan to keep it near the pool and keep a watchful eye over it lest it gets stolen.
3) Do not forget the Sunscreen and Bug spray
This is very important if you are swimming in the noon time. Some hotels will offer you mini bottles, but it is always advisable to come with yours, so that you are sure the cream contains enough SPF to protect your skin. Again, bugs tend to frequent pool areas and to avoid being severely bitten, take the bug spray along too.
4) Go to the pool with your own accessories
Do not expect to get a fresh swimsuit/gear or towel at the swimming pool, ensure you go with your own stuff, that way you are not disappointed and you run a lesser risk of catching any skin rash or infectious ailment. Pack your swimsuit, your swimming cap, goggles if needed and towels. Also, if you are a beginner in swimming, endeavor to take your own float noodle to the swim pool as not every pool will have all that you may request.
5) Avoid drinking the pool water
The pool can be fun and sometimes you may playfully want to taste the water or even drink it….please don’t! The pool water may look clean and pure, but that does not mean it is clean. Aside from the chlorine (which is not good for your health) that is added to the water to kill germs, the pool also contains body fluids, urine and fecal matter from people who may have used it before you.
Home » » 6 ways fathers can quickly bond with their babies

6 ways fathers can quickly bond with their babies

Time and biology certainly give new mothers a leg up on the baby bonding process, making fathers work that much harder to try and get equal time.
Mothers have the extra nine months before the child is even born where the bond is first created in the womb and cemented over time.
Then once the baby arrives, it’s the mother who is the primary caregiver, feedings, changing diapers, suffering through sleepless nights. A father pitching in on the ‘mommy’s domain’ is usually looked at with amusement and indulgence.
1. Be Tactile: Babies are comforted through the sense of touch. Pitching in during bath times, massaging the baby, and holding the baby against your chest will all succeed in fostering a warm, strong connection between the two of you.
2. Eye Contact: If you’ve been talking to the baby since he was still in the womb, he’ll be familiar with your voice, holding him in your arms so that you can look down at him while you speak and he can look up at you will help him associate that voice with your face and make him feel safe and loved.
3. Sharing Doctor Duty: Taking over some of the doctor’s visits from mommy will not only earn you points with her but will help you gain info on your baby’s overall health. It will give you the opportunity to help pitch in if the doctor offers any suggestions for any necessary treatments.
4. Sharing: ‘Doody’ Duty: Parenting is a messy business and while most fathers feel it is the mother’s responsibility to take care of the less enjoyable end of baby care, they’re missing out. A crying, uncomfortable baby who is soothed by a clean diaper and clean clothes will associate that soothing, comfortable feeling with you.
5. Sing, Even If You Can’t Carry A Tune In A Bucket: Music is the universal calmer. A screaming baby will nine times out of ten quiet down if the radio is switched on to something soft and gentle (sorry, no AC/DC.) So if you want to bond with your child, hold them close and sing them a lullaby while rocking them, or look down at them in the crib and sing to your heart’s content.
6. Schedule Some Daddy Time: Despite the fact that the new mother will no doubt be frazzled and suffering from sleep deprivation, you might find some opposition when you put forth the initial idea for some alone time with the new baby.
Home » » 5 unacceptable behaviours that will ruin your relationship
young colpe

5 unacceptable behaviours that will ruin your relationship

Relationships are hard. They’re not like eating a delicious egg. They’re tough, they take work and they can fall to pieces as quickly and easily as some candy floss that a raccoon dropped in a puddle.
To get that kind of love, you have to make sure you’re not accidentally being a real bad egg.
You have to consider how you behave, you have to line up your insecurities and your neglectful instincts and you have to shoot them in the face.
But what are those behaviours, and more importantly how can you ditch them for good?
Using Ultimatums As A Means Of Control: it goes something like this: “this makes me not want to be with you,” “if you keep getting upset I’ll leave” or “your problems put too much pressure on me.” in this moment you’re taking off the hat that says good rational partner and putting one on that says real dickhead.
Punishing Them For Disappointing You: You aren’t little Timmy’s dad taking away his allowance until he starts doing his homework. Little Timmy isn’t real. He’s from cartoons. Grow up. No, you’re in an equal partnership with an equal who is equally equal to you. You know? The minute it becomes your objective to punish someone for messing up rather than communicating and working out a way to get past it, you’ve lost.
Condemning The Qualities That You Used To Celebrate Them For: The early days of a relationship are great. It’s like the other person is perfect and everything they do is amazing and life changing. Just the way they slice a tomato gets you like “wow…I’ve never seen anything like this. Nobody else on earth could slice a tomato like that. I can’t wait to marry this girl and watch her slice tomatoes until I die.” But that’s just the honeymoon phase.
Letting Them Continue To Work Hard At A Relationship You Know Isn’t Going Anywhere: This is like inviting someone to build a delicious cake with you but then refusing to do any of the whisking. It’s like sitting back and watching them bake, watching them carefully measure out all of the ingredients, watching them break eggs and melt butter and all the while you’re thinking about a batch of cookies that doesn’t even exist yet.
Measuring Them By Standards You Refuse To Be Measured By Yourself: If you want someone to communicate well then don’t take four days to reply to a text. If you want to be emotionally cared for then you better be ready to offer your own shoulder to lean on. Relationships are an exchange of goodness, they’re a partnership.
Home » » 6 ways to handle anxiety on your first date
6 ways to handle anxiety on your first date

6 ways to handle anxiety on your first date

Getting through a first date is a common source of anxiety and worry for many.
There may be urges to avoid dating altogether or settle for someone who you don’t ultimately see a future with.
There is really good news though. If you are willing to learn from each dating experience, manage expectations and recover from some bad dates to meet your Mr. or Ms. Right, you are bound to become a more confident and less anxious date.
If you want to conquer the usual anxiety that come with your first real date, listed below are six ways you can handle such as situation.
1. Remind Yourself That You Are Conquering Your Fears: Despite pre-date urges to avoid dating altogether or cancel, you went on the date anyways. View this as an accomplishment and another example of how you refuse to let anxiety get in the way of what you want.
2. Maintain An Attitude of Curiosity: Focus on learning about your date by listening attentively and asking questions. Being curious makes new experiences more exciting and rewarding while liberating you from anxious thoughts.
3. Make Humor Your Friend: It can easily cut through an anxious moment or an awkward silence. Laughter is an instant mood booster, which is especially helpful if your date is anxious too.
4. Stay In The Moment: Let assumptions, judgments and worries pass by, really engaging in what is happening then and there. Focus on what your date is saying and how you feel about it versus what is going on in your mind.
5. Be On The Look Out For Anxious Thoughts: When you notice an anxious thought, bring yourself back to the date by taking a few deep breaths (at least three) and reciting a positive statement to yourself. Try, “I can handle this and get through my date” or “I am conquering anxiety in this moment.”
6. Let Go of Any Need To Be Perfect: Striving for perfection is commonly linked with anxiety. Perfection is an impossible task. Bring yourself back to reality and set yourself up for success by aiming to be your best self despite any self-defeating thoughts.
Home » » 5 ways to get your child to listen to you

5 ways to get your child to listen to you

Remember that adorable chatty child who not long ago hung lovingly on your every word and considered you her number-one pal and confidant?
Now she often seems like a glassy-eyed pre-tween who’s turned ignoring you into an art form and transformed even the simplest request (“Please turn off the TV” or “Put your socks in the hamper”) into an exercise in mind-numbing repetition.
Your child isn’t deliberately trying to drive you insane (successful though she may be), and her maddening new behavior has more to do with her sense of self than how she feels about you.
Listed below are five ways to get your child to listen to you.
Get Some Perspective: Yelling to get your kid’s attention won’t do either of you much good. Instead, take a step back and recognize that your child isn’t purposely trying to undermine you — he’s just acting his age.
Make Your Presence Known: As you’re well aware, it’s surprisingly easy for your 7- or 8-year-old to ignore what you say. But it’s a lot harder for her to block you out in other ways.
Avoid The Echo: Calling your child’s name over and over again will just get you a sore throat. As will the infinite repeating of “clear your stuff off the table; dinner’s almost ready.”
Choose The Message: Before you get yourself embroiled in a battle of wills, make sure you’re concentrating on the things that really matter.
Listen To Your Child: Sometimes, kids don’t pay attention because they feel like no one’s paying attention to them. Parents are often so busy themselves that they don’t always focus on things they consider to be insignificant, but those may be the very things that matter most to a child.
Home » » 5 things to do at night in Abuja
5 things to do at night in Abuja

5 things to do at night in Abuja

It is no surprise that Abuja -despite being described as boring by so many who have visited- has a very exciting nightlife.
Besides visiting the exciting range of bars and clubs ideal for the elite traveller, there are a number of fantastic things that one can do at night while visiting the city. Here are five things to do at night in Abuja.
Night drive
A drive around the city at night is certainly a fun activity to engage in while visiting Abuja. Despite rumors of terrorists’ attacks and bombing, the city is safe and secure for night tours. A good thing about Abuja is that transportation is cheap so you really do not even have to drive around in your own car.
Charter a taxi cab or use Uber and explore the city. Unless you want a silent drive around, the driver of the car will most likely be a local who can point out notable sights and landmarks.
Café hunting
There are so many cafés in Abuja and most of them (especially those which also serve as lounge/bar) open till late in the night. You can spend your night checking out these cafés, moving from one spot to another and savoring their gastronomic offerings, as well as luxuriating in varied ambiance.
Live band binge
Music is food for the soul and so, the perfect way to spend a sleepless night in Abuja would certainly be indulging in a live band binge. There are so many spots to relax and enjoy a classy live-band experience. If you are staying at the Transcorp Hilton hotel, you may just need to stroll to the Safari Nite club located on-site and spend your time absorbing to the music and enjoying a few beverages of course.
Local TV/Radio marathon
Luckily, you do not need to pay extra to get quality entertainment on TV while in Abuja as there are a number of local stations offered free to people within the city…as long as the TV has a sensor or antenna of course. Some channels you may want to check out include NTA Channel 5 Abuja, Degue Broadcasting Network (DBN), e.t.c. If you are more of a radio person, you can spend the night tuned to any of the local radio stations, including: 88.9 – Brilla FM, Abuja – Sports, 92.9 – Kapital FM (FRCN), Abuja, 93.5 – ASO Radio, Abuja, 95.1 – Nigeria info Abuja, 96.1 – Urban Radio, Abuja, 96.9 – Cool FM, Abuja, e.t.c
Sleep, Sleep and Sleep
No matter where you are in the world, the first thing that comes to mind to do at night usually is sleeping. Sleeping through the night while in Abuja is probably one of the best things to do, especially if you are there on business and you have had a long day. The city is quiet and serene compared to other metropolitan cities in the country. To ensure you have a peaceful rest, you may want to lodge in one of the “chilled” hotels who have great furniture.
Home » » 5 reasons Surulere is the good place to live in Lagos
5 reasons Surulere is the good place to live in Lagos

5 reasons Surulere is the good place to live in Lagos

If you live in Lagos State and you have not been or heard of Surulere, chances are you live under a rock. A residential and commercial Local Government Area located in the state, Surulere is one of the most exclusive areas on Mainland Lagos.
Aside from the fact that Surulere is known as the sports city of Lagos seeing as it houses two international sport venues, some of the most famous streets in Lagos state such as Adeniran Ogunsanya, Adelabu, Ogunlana Drive, Bode-Thomas and Eric Moore, are found within the district.
If you are a lover of Nigerian music or you are active on the Nigerian social scene, you may have heard lines and comments affirming Surulere as one of the best places to live in Lagos. And if you are wondering why the district is so acclaimed, here are five possible reasons Surulere is a good place to live in Lagos.
It is mid-point
Surlere is undoubtedly one of the key transport nodes of Lagos, as it connects the city’s mainland with Lagos Island and Victoria Island. Basically, it serves as a mid-point between the island and mainland and living there ensure you have quick and easy access to both areas.
Surulere is full of all types of people. Young families, Grandparents, politicians, struggling musicians, millennials, students, Igbo people, Hausa natives  – you name it, they all live in Surulere and they all love it. It is very easy to fit into the different neighborhoods within the district without fear of segregation or any form of culture shock.
The best street food in Lagos
It is no secret that the best of Lagos street food can be found in Surulere and at the best rates too. On the hunt for the best shawarma, to the best Suya, people travel from as far as the Lekki Peninsula to Surulere for a palatable and affordable taste. Surulere also has more local independent restaurants and bukkas than it is possible to choose from.
Surulere is full of independent businesses
Aside from restaurants and bars, there are so many businesses, in all sorts of industries, based in Surulere. You will find Clothing stores, Interior Design boutique, car dealers e.t.c among other business in this district, and not only will you be spoilt for choice when it comes to buying locally but there are plenty of opportunities for jobs too. The most popular street in the district that harbors some of these independent businesses is Adeniran Ogunsanya. There is literally nothing you cannot find on the street and all are of good quality too.
Active nightlife
You will never be bored at night if you live in Surulere. There is a load of great bars, lounges, and pubs…and most importantly, there is good security in most of the areas. You find clubs where you can stumble along to for a dance on a rogue Tuesday night, as well other bars that open from 10am to 4am every single day including Sundays.
Home » » Patoranking, Diamond & Yemi Alade headline MAMA 2016 performers


Patoranking, Diamond & Yemi Alade headline MAMA 2016 performers

Nigerian dancehall talent Patoranking has been listed alongside Diamond, Emtee and Kwesta to join a star studded line-up which includes Alikiba, Babes Wodumo, Cassper Nyovest, Nasty C, Ycee and Yemi Alade earlier named to thrill the watching crowd at the MTV Africa Music Awards set to be staged in Johannesburg on the 22nd of next month.
The music awards which will celebrate African talent across 18 award categories, including Best Male, Best Female, Listener’s Choice and Best Group is sponsored by Jo’burg Tourism in partnership with Absolut Vodka and Google and in association with MTN and DStv.
Last year’s Best New Act winner Patoranking is again in contention for the 2016 awards – nominated this year for Best Male, where he goes head-to-head against last year’s winner, Tanzanian Bongo Flava star, Diamond. Patoranking also scored a second nomination in the 2016 awards for Best Collaboration for “No Kissing” feat. Sarkodie.
After a standout year, Emtee received his first MAMA nod this year in the hotly contested Best Hip Hop category, while “Ngud” star Kwesta still has to learn if he’s scored a nod in MAMA 2016.
The definitive annual celebration of African and international talent and achievement, MAMA 2016 recognises and rewards musicians and achievers who have made the most impact on African music and youth culture over the previous year. The ceremony will feature stunning performances from African and international artists along with the show’s signature cross-genre and cross-border collaborations.